Winter blooms

Autumn is always a brief season in the world of floristry, as festivities start early for Christmas. Many think Winter is a cold, drab and dull season. But although it may be cold, it is far from drab and dull in the florist shop!

We are fortunate that with the Dutch markets, where flowers grown world wide are available to all countries, many flowers are obtainable all year round – we could even have tulips in July and peonies in November if we really wanted! But there are a few seasonal treats that really signal Winter is here to be enjoyed!

And top that with all the early Spring blooms that start arriving too – tulips, iris, hyacinth, daffodils, scented narcissus, ranunculus… oh, I can hardly wait!

Mr and Mrs Shepherd’s day

Two years ago, Sally walked up the aisle and married Charles. Their day was full of Autumnal warmth and gorgeous rustic beauty.

The flowers were beautifully textured, with Peach Avalanche roses, Sea Breeze roses, peach Hypericum, white Hydrangea, and a few twisted birch twigs for that final flourish.

I didn’t share the day with you at the time, it predating this blog, so thought I’d take their anniversary as a prompt to share now! So, put the kettle on, get comfy, and enjoy their peachy lilac blooms!



Happy Anniversary Charles and Sally!

Wedding Theme: Phalaenopsis Orchids

Orchids. Nothing says class and glamour quite like them, does it?

It’s not surprising that they are a popular wedding flower, either on their own as a statement, or mixed in with other blooms and textures.

But they need not be in-your-face and over-the-top. Oh no. With some clever design they can seem almost understated, the perfect finishing flourish to an already beautiful day.


Wedding Theme: 1920s Glitz and Glamour

With the release of The Great Gatsby in 2013, the glamour and glitz of the 1920s and 30s has been increasingly popular with the modern bride. And why ever not? It really is a theme that you can embrace and inject into all aspects of your day, from classy Art Deco invitations to a cocktail reception, glittery beaded dresses to peacock feathers and diamonds.


There are two directions you can go with your flowers, although both are on the extravagant side. Either keep it all whites and lime green, fresh and clean, with ample opportunity to include accents of gems, white feathers and exotic blooms.

Or go bold and vibrant with turquoise, cerise, and limes, complimenting the peacock feather colours, and showing off a good variety of exotic blooms. these would have been the ultimate expression of wealth along side the free flowing champagne!



Pictures from top to bottom: 1. Glitzy secrets; 2. Invitations by Dawn; 3 and 4. DeerPearlFlowers; 5. Hot Chocolates Fountain Hire; 6. Love My Dress; 7. Rock My Wedding. Featured Image: Chic Vintage Brides.  All via Pinterest

Get Creative: Floral Teacup

Have you aways fancied trying your hand at a bit of flower arranging but not had the opportunity? Well, now could be your chance!

Why not join us for a fun workshop getting creative with flowers? Together we work through a pretty design in a teacup, using a selection of fresh seasonal flowers and foliage.


I’ll be at The Paxton Center in Crystal Palace (opposite the station), on Sunday 23rd October, 11am. It’s just £25 per person, with all materials provided.

Good fun for adults, and creative young people (ages 14 years+). And with the gallery, handmade shop, and cafe at the venue, you can make a day of it!

Booking is essential, via message to Beck’s Flowers or telephone 07507746500


Wedding Theme: Autumn

I love an Autumn wedding. There is so much texture, colour and inspiration from the season, that it’s difficult not to get excited about creating with it!

The obvious colour palette to go with in this season is the red and yellow of the falling leave, the brown and beige of the branches now on show, and the orange of the fat pumpkins.

As with any season, you can take it in a modern direction, pared with exotic ‘Mango’ calla lilies, burgundy Cymbidium orchids, and spiky Protea. Or you can go all-out rustic, with pheasant feathers, lichen covered twigs, and seasonal berries.





As you can see, there’s so much inspiration! And there’s no reason you have to go with the fire tones. As shown here, the introduction of berries, skimmia, and foliage can follow the theme, set against purples, pinks and blues – just beautiful!


Images: 1: Mr and Mrs Unique, 2: Love My Dress, 3: Elizabeth Anne Designs, 4: Chic Vintage Brides, 5: Rustic Wedding Chic, 6: The Natural Wedding Company, 7: Sortra, 8: Tricia W, 9 & 10: Fab Mood. Featured image: All via pinterest


Foliage Friends

If you spend a lot of time in the house, or office, it’s worth investing in some good plants. Not only will they make the space look classy, homely, and, well, green, they also work hard for you.

Having fresh plants and flowers in your vicinity is thought to positively impact your mood, and increase productivity. As if that wasn’t enough of a reason to bring the leafy wonders in, a good number of them also help improve the air quality of your space.

From purifying the air, supplying extra oxygen, or removing allergens, to absorbing electromagnetic waves, and improving the air humidity, these clever plants are the perfect companions to have around.

And the best bit? They’re all really easy to look after! Most of them will even tolerate being ignored for a few weeks. My kind of plant.

Sansevierias‘Mother in Law’s Tongue’.  This pointed leaf plant is great at cleaning the air of toxins and controlling the humidity. The sharp leaf points influence it’s common name… can’t say I agree from my experience of my lovely second mum!

Nephrolepsis ‘Fern’. Fluffy fronds help to purify the air, and ensures perfect humidity. If you’re prone to headaches and dry skin, this is the plant for you. They’re great to have in the bathroom too, as they love a humid environment, or give them a spray every week if not.

Hedra helix‘Ivy’. One we all recognise from the garden, as an indoor plant they can be good and helpful. Even better, they don’t need much light, and are quite happy if forgotten for a while!

Cereus peruvianus – ‘Peruvian Apple Cactus’. These clever greeny grey columns remove radiation from the TV and other electrical appliances in it’s area. As a desert plant, the care advice given is ‘loving neglect’. Almost impossible to kill in fact… but don’t take that as a challenge!

Pilea peperomioides‘Chinese Money Plant’. A perfect plant, just the ticket for purifying the air. Chinese proverb has it that if you put a coin in the soil, or rub the leaves, you will attract prosperity into your life. Worth a try, right?


Peperomia. The NASA’s research indicates that these beauties remove 47% of formaldehyde from the indoor air. Quite a skill, and all while looking lovely!


Chlorophylum cosmos‘Spider Plant’. A familiar friend, and for good reason. If you were impressed by the Peperomia’s skill, these lime wonders remove 95% of benzene, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, and nitrates from the air (according to NASA research).Get a few in your room and take a deeeeep breath…

Spathiphyllum‘Peace Lily’, ‘White Sail Plant’. Another firm favourite, great for cleaning the air of all those toxins. They’re super forgiving of forgetfulness and even sag their leaves as a visually reminder to give them some water. And when you do water them, they like a good long drink.

For more information, take a look at the fantastic Joy of Plants website – chock full of advice, inspiration, and beauty!


[All images take from The Joy of Plants Pinterest]



One day it feels like Autumn is here, the next Summer has her last hurrah… but that hint of a chill in the air has me thinking about the coming season, and anticipating the beauty to come.

And what a riot of beauty the next season is! Although associated with things coming to an end – warmth edging away, leaves dropping with their usefulness gone, birds departing for sunnier climates, nature handles this period majestically. Not only strong vibrant colours and interesting textures, but its the season for wonderful tropicals too.

Just makes me want to put a jumper on, have a hot cuppa and slice of spiced carrot cake, and get busy creating!


Images: 1: First Edition Plants, 2:, 3: The Reading Residence, 4: petitfleurevents, 5: backyardsclick, 6: botanicalbrohaha, 7: Via Volunteers, 8: Guide To Houseplants. All via Pinterest

Wedding Theme: Coral

As wedding themes go, coral is up there with my favourites. It’s so versatile, looking good with ivory, pink, peach, orange, purple…

Go country rustic and loose, or contemporary clean cut, coral flowers really work hard for you. Although still a relatively new trend, there is quite a selection of coral blooms to choose from – Roses, like ‘Miss Piggy’ and ‘Vuvuzella’, Dahlias, Gerberas, Gladioli, Antirrhinum, Celosia, Ranunculus, Hypericum…




It’s certainly a theme you can have a lot of fun with, and pair with a tone that compliments the season.


An exciting Summer

You went away as a happy girlfriend to catch some rays, and came home a fiancée… How exciting!

And now that you’ve shared your happy news with your parents, your siblings, friends, aunties and uncles, acquaintances, the postman, the cashier at the supermarket…. it’s time to start planning.

It’s quite a task, planning a wedding. There are so many elements you have no idea about as a guest, that suddenly gain incredible importance as an engaged couple. Like the length of an aisle, the correct choice of post-ceremony pre-reception drinks, and where to have your guest list registered. Who knew.


But also, there’s the fun stuff, like picking out The Dress, getting all your favourite girls and boys together to help you on the day as your bridesmaids and best men, and of course the flowers.

I may be a little biased on the last point there, being a wedding florist and all, but actually picking a theme and choosing how to express it through the day is fun. And flowers play an important role in that.


Finding a florist who you’re comfortable with, who you trust, and whose style you like is vital. They need to take your collection of ideas, likes, and needs, and transform them into the beautiful arrangements you’ve thought about since playing make-believe in the playground.

I like to get to know you a bit, and find out all about your plans for the day, from venue to food, dresses to music. From there, we build a design scheme together. We can meet in person, or if that’s a little logistically tricky, we can chat via email.  You can take a look at some of my past weddings on my website or Facebook . You’ll find some testimonials there too from some of my lovely brides and grooms.


So, why not get in touch, and get some of those ideas down on paper. Or, if you haven’t a clue where to even start, fear not – that’s what I’m here for. We florists love talking flowers, so can put you at ease and get you sorted in a jiffy!